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former comes with a bunch of form controls that can be used to modify a form. All of them are simple wrappers around common Flutter widgets that are used to build forms:

  • FormerTextField wraps TextField
  • FormerCheckbox wraps Checkbox
  • etc.

All former controls accepts arguments for the constructor of the widget that they wrap. For example, The constructor ofFormerTextField has the same set of parameters as TextField.

Enabling/disabling controls

By default, all former controls follow whether the form in context is disabled. If the form is disabled, then all the former controls that control the form are disabled as well.

You can override this behavior by passing in a value for the enabled parameter.

List of controls

Below are a list of controls that are currently available. They are links to API references of the former controls.

  • FormerCheckbox (docs)
  • FormerSlider (docs)
  • FormerSwitch (docs)
  • FormerTextField (docs)