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Error handling

former offers APIs that make it easy to handle form validation errors.

The FormerError widget

FormerError is a Text widget that displays any validation error of a given field. Like other form controls, it accepts all the arguments of a Text widget.

An example

Let's consider the following schema:

  field: NumberMust()..beAtLeast(10, 'too small!')

You can use the FormerError widget to display any validation error of the given field:

FormerError(field: Form.field)

If the field doesn't have any error, it will build an empty Container. If there is an error, it will build a Text widget with the error message (in this case 'too small'!) as the text. The text will have an error color, taken from the Theme in context.

Get error messages of a field

If you want to get the error message of a field, so that, for example, you can build your own error message widget, you can use the errorOf method of FormerProvider:

final provider = Former.of<MyForm>(context);
final error = provider.errorOf(MyForm.myField);

If the field doesn't have any error, an empty string is returned.


If you attempt to submit an invalid form, a FormInvalidException will be thrown. To catch it, wrap your Former.of(context).submit call with a try-catch block:

try {
} on FormInvalidException catch (ex) {
  print('name of invalid form: ${ex.invalidForm}');