Returns the contained value if this Result is Ok, otherwise throws with the given error message.
The error message to be displayed if this Result is Err.
The contained value if this Result is Ok.
An error with the given error message if this Result is Err. The error message includes the provided message, as well as the content of the containing error.
Returns the contained error value if this Result is Err, otherwise throws with the given error message.
The error message to be displayed if this Result is Ok.
The contained error value if this Result is Err.
An error with the given error message and the content of the containing error as the message if this Result is Ok.
Calls the provided function with the contained value if this Result is Ok. Nothing is performed otherwise.
The function to be called if this Result is Ok. First arg will receive the contained value.
This Result.
Calls the provided function with the contained value if this Result is Err. Nothing is performed otherwise.
The function to be called if this Result is Err. First arg will receive the contained error.
This Result.
If this Result is Ok, calls the given mapper function with the current contained value and returns a new Result containing the value returned by the mapper function.
A new Result object containing the value returned by the mapper function, or this if this is Err.
If this Result is Err, calls the given mapper with the current error value, then returns a new Result containing the new error value returned by the mapper. Otherwise, nothing is performed and this is returned.
A new Result containing the error value returned by the mapper if this is Err, or this Result otherwise.
If this Result is Ok, it does the same thing as map. Otherwise, returns the given default value.
A new Result object containing the value returned by the mapped function if this is Ok, otherwise the default value.
Same as mapOr, except if this is Err, the default value is returned lazily by the first callback which receives the contained error and returns the default value.
The value returned by the error mapper if this is Err; The value returned by the value mapper if this is Ok.
Calls the given function with the contained error value and returns the value returned by the function if this Result is Err. Otherwise, returns the contained value.
The contained value if this Result is Ok or the value returned by the given function otherwise.
Interface for the Result type.